Departement of Political and Governmental Science, published a journal Posmic (Politic, Social Dynamnics). This journal published twice a year in March and September as media for activities of  community services in multiple scopes, such as political, social, economic, culture, education, technology, environmental, and women empowerment.

This code of ethics aims to regulate all the parties involved in the Posmic Journal publication process, inclucing managers, editors, reviewers, and authors. This publication code ethics have three ethics :

  • Neutrality, are free from conflicts of interest in publication management
  • Justice, are granting authorship rights to those entitled to be authors
  • Honesty, are free from duplication, fabrication, falsification and plagiarism in publications

Responsibility of Publisher

  • Publisher of Posmic Journal is Departement of Political and Governmental Science, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Halu Oleo University, have responsibility to published article trough the editing process, review, and layout in accordance the rules of publishing scientific journal
  • Publisher of Posmic Journal responsibility to ensure academic freedom for editors and reviewers to perfom their duties and responsibilities
  • Publisher of Posmic Journal responsibility to keep privation and protect intellectual property and copyright, and editorial freedom.

Responsibility of Editors

  • Responsibility of Editors Posmic journal to decide of worthy publication manuscripts. Editorial decisions are made through editorial board meetings which refers to applicable legal requirements regarding defamation, copyright infringement, duplication, and plagiarism.
  • In the process of reviewing and accepting manuscripts, the editorial team based on the principle of equal treatment in the making decisions to publish manuscripts without distinguishing between the race, gender, religion, ethnicity, nationality, or political ideology of the author
  • Editor and editorial board of Posmic Journal do not disclose any information about the manuscript except with the author’s permission
  • Unpublished manuscripts will not be used by journal editors for their own interests and will be returned directly to the author.

Responsibility of Reviewers

Reviewers of the Posmic journal assist editors in decisions making for the manuscripts.

  • Responsibility of Posmic journal towards the recommendations of the manuscripts reviewed
  • Manuscripts reviewed by objectively and supported by clear arguments
  • Reviewers are responsible for citation, references, duplication, and plagiarism in the manuscripts that reviewed
  • Reviewers must maintain the confidentially of information and not use information from manuscripts that reviewed by personal interest.

Responsibility of Author

  • The author must present the results of his research in a clear, honest and without duplication and plagiarism
  • The author responsible for the confirmation submitted for the manuscript that has been written
  • The author must show of refence from opinions and manuscripts of other people cited
  • The author must write manuscripts ethically, honestly and responsibly in accordance with applicable scientific writing regulations.

The author doesn’t  mind if the manuscripts is edited during the review and layout

process without changing the substance or main ideas of writing.