Guide of Author (GOA)

The manuscript text are written in Indonesia, that never published yet. Manuscripts in Indonesia will be first reviewed by editorial boards. The main text of manuscript must be submitted as a Word document (doc).

The manuscript should contain the following section in order :

  • Title

The title should describe the main content of the article, be informative, short, be accureate, specific and cleary (no more 20 words). Title should be written in Time New Roman Bold, Center and Capital letters (16pt).

  • The author name

Full name without academic degrees and titles, written in capital letters (11pt). Manuscript written by groups needs to supplemented by complete contact details.

  • Name of affiliation for each author

The author’s name should be accompined by a complete affiliation, address, and email only the first author (10pt).

  • Abstract

Abstract are  written in Indonesia  (10pt) which comprised of approximately 250 words. Abstract must be contain explanation of problems, reasons and objectives of impelementation community service. The methods used and results such as impacts, benefits and achievements of community, with keywords maximum 5 words that written under abstract.

  • Introduction

In this introduction the author must describe a situation of problems. The introduction written  in 1,5 line spacing. The introduction consist of :

(1) The main focus of Community service, such as condition institutional challenges, problems or community needs, and community empowerment ; (2) The aims of implementation service community activities, as well as providing solutions to problems faced by the community ; (3) Describe a literature review as a support for the concept of service; (3) Writing citations or references using body notes, or APA (American Psychological ) Style .

  • Methods

This section must contain ;

(1) The description of the target community, such as background of the community, how many people are, and how is the role/involvement of community in this community service activity ; (2) The parties involved in this service activity, including the number and role or contribution of each ; (3) Implementation method that explains the stages or steps in implementing the solution offered to resolve the problem ; (4) Overview of science and technology transferred or introduced ; (5) Instruments or tools and materials used in community service activity, including to measure the success of service activities ; (6) Data collection techniques ; (7) Measures or indicators of success of community service activities, and Data analysis techniques.

  • Results and Discussions
  • The results and discussions consist of : (1) Results must be relevant to the objectives and methods ; (2) The results explanation of activities must be simple and straightward ; (3) The results can using table and picture ; (4) The results written by explaining the relevance between the results of community service and the theory that can explain the impact of the results of community service on behavior, perspective, or mindset of the community ; (5) The results must be explaining the results of community service can answer, overcome, produce solutions to problems encountered ; (6) The results and discussion section must be written in Times New Roman, font size 10, and 1,5 spacing.


  • Conclusion

Guidelines for writing a conclusion ; (1) Relevant to the objectives written in the introduction ; (2) Claims in conclusions must be supported by facts or data from results of activities ; (3) Write the conclusions concisely ; (4) The implications of the activities need to put forward to clarify the benefits resulting from the service activities.

  • Acknowledgement

This section can be written in case there are certain parties need to be acknowledged, such as research sponsors or funding supporter. Include individuals who have assisted you in your study : Advisors, Financial supporters, or may another supporter. The acknowledgement must be written in brief and clear.

  • References

Citation and referencing must be written based on style American Psychological Asssociation 6th Edition (APA), and organized by using Mendeley software latest version (See Mendeley User Guidelines).